In case you need a head start, I’ve written up some suggested scripts for talking to your buddies - Ted, are you as good at respecting other people’s personal space as you are at baking? This angel food cake is phenomenal.…
This type of “social good” work makes the design process ineffective. Poverty and racism, etc. are not poorly designed systems. They are systems working *exactly as they were designed.* In order for rich people to continue to amass wealth, poverty has to exist.…
I’ve heard Elliot Rodger’s voice before. I was expecting his manifesto to be incomprehensible madness—hoping for it to be—but it wasn’t. It’s a standard frustrated angry geeky guy manifesto, except for the part about mass murder.…
Most “superheroes” are nothing of the sort. They’re weird, neurotic creatures who do big things DESPITE lots of self-defeating habits and self-talk.…
Yet the myths we hold so dear — the noble engineer, sleeping under *his* desk to get the product out on time; the company that cares for its employees’ every need — exclude and marginalize an entire class of people whose contributions to these startups make their success possible.…